Monthly Archives: August 2014

The Cloud Procurement Pecking Order

I was planning to go to this meeting here in town about “Preparing for the post-IaaS phase of cloud adoption” and it brought home to me how backwards many organizations are when they start thinking about cloud options. So now you get Ernest’s Cloud Procurement Pecking Order.

What many people are doing is moving in order of comfort, basically, as they start moving from old school on prem into the cloud.  “I’ll start with private cloud… Then maybe public IaaS… Eventually we’ll look at that other whizbang stuff.” But here’s what your decision path should be instead. It’s the logical extension of the basic buy vs build strategy decision you’re used to doing.

Cloud Procurement Flowchart

Look at the functionality you are trying to fulfull.  Now ask in order:

  1. Is it available as a SaaS solution?  If so, use that. You shouldn’t need to host servers or write code for many of your needs – everything from email to ERP is commoditized nowadays. This is the modern equivalent of “buy, don’t build.” You don’t get 100% control over the functionality if you buy it, but unless the function is super core to your business you should simply get over that.
  2. [Optional] Does it fit the functional profile to do it serverless? Serverless is basically “second gen PaaS with less fiddly IaaS in it” so this would be your second step. Amazon has Lambda and Azure and Google have shipped competitors already. Right this moment serverless tech is still pretty bleeding edge, so you’d be forgiven for skipping this step if you don’t have pretty high caliber techies on staff.
  3. Can I do it in a public PaaS?  Then use a public PaaS (Heroku/Beanstalk/Google App Engine/Azure), unless you have some real (not FUD) requirements to do it in house.
  4. Can I do it in a private PaaS? Then use Cloudfoundry or similar. Or do you really (for non-FUD reasons) need access to the hardware?
  5. Can I do it in public IaaS?  Then use Amazon, or Azure. Or do you really (for non-FUD reasons) need it “on premise” (probably not really on premise, but in some datacenter you’re leasing – which is different from being outsourced in the cloud why)?  Even hardcore hardware render is done in the cloud nowadays (you can get GPU driven instances, SSDs, etc.)
  6. Can I do it in a private cloud? Use VMWare Cloud or Openstack. This is your final recourse before doing it the old fashioned way – unless you have extremely unique hardware requirements, you probably can. Also, you can do hybrid cloud – basically private cloud plus public cloud (IaaS only really). This gets you some of the IaaS benefits while complicating your architecture.

What About Compliance?

Very few compliance requirements exist that cannot be satisfied in the cloud.  There are large financials operating in the cloud, people with SOX and PCI and FISMA and NIST and ISO compliance needs… If your reason for running on prem is “but compliance” there’s a 90% chance you are just plain wrong, and coasting on decade-old received wisdom instead of being well informed about the modern state of cloud technology and security and compliance. I’ve personally helped pure-cloud solutions hit ISO and TUV and various other compliance goals.

What About The Cost?

This ordering seems to be inverted from how people are inching into the cloud. But the lower on this list you are, the less additional value you are getting from the solution (assuming the same price point). You should instead be reluctantly dragged into the lower levels on this list – which require more effort and often (though not always) more expense. A higher level needs to be a lot more expensive to justify the additional complexity and lag of doing more of the work yourself.

“But what about the cost,” you say, “the cloud gets more expensive than me running a couple servers?” It’s easy to be penny wise but pound foolish when making cloud cost decisions.

You need to keep in mind the real costs of your infrastructure when you do this – I see a lot of people spending a lot of work on private cloud that they really shouldn’t be. If you simply compare “buying servers” with “cost per month in Amazon” it can seem, using a naive analysis, like you need to go hybrid on prem after a couple hundred thousand dollars appear on your bill. But:

1. Make sure you are taking into account your fully loaded cost (includes data center, power cooling, etc.) of all assets (servers, storage, network…) you are using to do this private. Use the real numbers, not the “funny money” numbers – at a previous company we allocated network and other shared costs across the entire company, while “our IT budget” had to pay for servers, so that was the only number used in a comparison since it was our own department’s costs only that were considered – don’t be a goon (technical term for a local optimizer),  you should consider what it’s costing your entire company. Storage especially is way cheaper in the cloud versus enterprise SANs.

2. Make sure you are taking into account the cost of the manpower to run it.  And that’s not just the techies’ salary (fully loaded with benefits/bonuses), and the proportion of each layer of management going up that has to deal with their concerns (Even if the director only has to spend 30% of his time messing with the data center team, and the VP 10%, and the CTO 5%, and the CEO 1% – that’s a lot of freaking money you need to account for). It’s also the opportunity cost of having people (smart technical people) doing your plumbing instead of doing things to forward your company.  I would argue that instead of putting in the employee’s salary in this calculation, you’d do better to put in your revenue per employee!  Why? Because for that same money you could have someone improving product, making sales, etc. and making you additional revenue. If all you are looking at is “cost reduction” you are probably divorced enough from the business goals of your organization that you are not making good decisions. This isn’t to say you don’t need any of that manpower, but ideally with more plumbing being outsourced you can turn their technical skills to something of more productive use.

3. Make sure you are taking into account the additional lag time and the cost of that time to market delay from DIYing. Some people couch this as just for purposes of innovation – “well, if you’re a small, quick moving, innovative firm or startup, then this velocity matters to you – if you’re a larger enterprise, with yearly budget cycles, not so much.” That’s not true. Assuming you are implementing all this stuff with some end goal in mind, you are burning value along with time the longer it takes you to deliver it – we like to call that cost of delay. Heck, just plain cost of money over that period is significant – I’ve seen companies go through quite a set of gyrations to be able to bill 30 days earlier to get that additional benefit; if you can deliver projects a month earlier from leveraging reusable work (which is all that SaaS/PaaS/IaaS solutions are) then you accelerate your cashflow. If you have to wait 12 months for the IT group to get a private cloud working, you are effectively losing the benefit of your deliverable * 12 months. “We saved $10k/year on hosting costs!”  “Great, can we deliver our product that will make us $10k/month now, or do we get to continue to put ourselves out of business with cost cutting?”

4. Account for complexity.  The problem with “hybrid cloud,” in most implementations, is that it’s not seamless from on prem to public, and therefore your app architecture has to be doubly complicated.  In a previous position where I ran a large SaaS service, we were spread across AWS (virtual everything) and Rackspace (vserver, F5 LBs, etc.) and it was a total nightmare – we were trying to migrate all the way out to the cloud just so we could delete half of the cruft in all our code that touched the infrastructure – complexity that caused production issues (frequently) and slowed our rate of delivering new functionality. The KISS principle is wrathful when ignored.

I’m not saying hybrid cloud, private cloud, etc. are never the answer – but I would say that on average they are usually not the right answer, and if you are using them as your default approach then it’s better than even money you’re being inefficient. Furthermore, using SaaS and PaaS requires less expertise (and thus money) than IaaS which uses less than private cloud – people justify “starting with private” because you are “leveraging skill sets” or whatever – and then 6 months later you have a whole team still trying to bake off OpenStack vs Eucalyptus when you could have had your app (you know, the thing you actually need to fulfill a business goal) already running in a public PaaS. I’m not sure why I need to say out loud “delivering the most amount of value with the least amount of effort, time, and expenditure is good” – but apparently I do. Just because you *can* do something does not mean you *should* do it.  You need to carefully shepherd your time to delivery and your costs, and not just let things float in a morass of IT because “these things take time…”


Filed under Cloud

AWS Dying! Rackspace Pulls Out Of Cloud! News At 11!

Boy, it’s been quite a week for the cloud-schadenfreude crowd. If you listen to the various news outlets, apparently Rackspace has given up on cloud and Amazon is in free-fall. Here’s some representative hack jobs pieces:

More accurate are these:

Let’s look at what’s actually going on.

First, Rackspace.  I was on the Spiceworks forum yesterday and the news is definitely being interpreted as “Rackspace is getting out of cloud, don’t consider them any more.” Now, it is their own fault for bungling the messaging here, but if you actually go look at what they are doing, at its heart they are making this change:

Rackspace Cloud will be sold only with a support contract now.

Yes, that’s it.  That’s the change. Now it’s “managed cloud!” Which is fine, a heck a lot of software I buy has mandatory maintenance contracts nowadays, but this doesn’t mean “Rackspace is leaving the cloud business!” They just want to add in their “Fanatical Support ™” to the value proposition and not compete purely on a bare-metal (bare-API?) SaaS “how much does a 2-CPU 4 GB server cost” basis.

Rackspace has to get back out in front of this messaging hard – it’s definitely made its way to the practitioner trenches as “they’re pulling out.” I mean, I have to say Rackspace’s strategy is pretty opaque to most folks, but this message misstep has graduated from “muddled and unclear” to “actively harmful.”

Now, Amazon.  The real story is:

Amazon Web Services only grew 38.39% last quarter.

For a large company that’s a pretty good growth rate, right, is yours higher? The press likes to turn IaaS into a 3 provider horse race. But so far – it’s not. Check out this recent (March 2014) Synergy Research graph.


The fact of the matter is that Amazon is beating the holy hell out of everyone else in IaaS. It’s more neck and neck in PaaS, but sadly the entire PaaS market is still low (due to Joe Average IT Shop basically interpreting PaaS pitches as someone standing up and screaming “I’m a sorcerer!!!”).

IBM, HP, etc. don’t have credible offerings yet.  I know they’re investing, I know they have roped some random companies that love them into doing it, but they are just not there yet. IBM is not a commodity company, they’re a “you have a billion dollar contract with us we’re going to build out whatever we feel like with that.”

Google, same thing. It’s cool, it’s well priced, it’s dev friendly – but at the big price cut announcement, we had a big get-together at Capital Factory here in town. I looked around at the crowd of 40 clouderati types and said “OK, so who is comfortable running production apps on Google cloud yet?” Result: zero. Google’s throwing money at it but as with most of Google’s new offerings, it’s hard to trust it’s not just going to dry up tomorrow and get cancelled because they are running after private spaceships or whatever now, and nothing makes them money like their ad business so “it’s revenue generating” won’t save it. And Google is so bad at enterprise support…

Microsoft Azure was really good. Better than it had a right to be!  I was very impressed with Azure in years 1 and 2. Execution was good (we used it for a SaaS service at National Instruments) and the vision was definitely “where the puck is going to be.” But post-Ozzie, it hasn’t exactly been shaking the sheets. At CloudAustin there was more Azure interest two years ago than there is now. They were going strong on dev friendliness and all, but trying to get into IaaS has been a distraction and they just aren’t keeping pace with Amazon’s rate of new features. Docker support, SSDs, new instances, vCenter integration, Dropbox competitor, desktop-as-a-service Citrix competitor…

Let me address the four big “why AWS is crashing and burning (despite being in an obvious position of market dominance)” points from the “Scorpion” article.

  1. AWS is not the low price provider.
    Eh. Not sure why this is relevant and also not sure it’s true for what you are getting… It’s like saying “there are books cheaper than that book you just bought.” Well sure there are, but do they have the information I want in them? See below for why not always having the lowest cent per minute under Google and Microsoft doesn’t really concern me.
  2. AWS is not the best product at anything – most of their features are mediocre knock offs of other products.
    This misses the point – their features are SIMPLER knockoffs of other products. That’s why it’s an accelerator. Dropbox and Salesforce and all the successful cloud entities have said “you know, some enterprise user left to their own devices is going to generate a list of 1000 requirements they don’t really need. Forget that. Let’s make the actual core functionality they need and leave off the rest so it’ll actually get used.” This is why they dominate the IaaS business. Many of their products are named to match. “SIMPLE email service.” “SIMPLE queue service.” “SIMPLE notification service.” This drives a new wave of architectural thought – instead of complicated services packed with stuff, what if instead I integrate simple, well-designed microservices? After doing a lot of cloud architecture work, those attributes are positives, not negatives.
  3. AWS is unbelievably lousy at support.
    I’m not sure I’d want to be in a race with Amazon, Microsoft, and Google to see who supports customers worse. I’m not sure I’ve ever been part of an enterprise happy with its Google support, and all experiences I’ve had with Microsoft support have been some Brazil-esque “you can’t actually ask them questions, only some VP is a designated contact on the corporate contract…”. Amazon is positioning themselves more like a hardware vendor, you don’t bother getting much support from them besides parts replacement, you get support from the managed hosting provider or whatnot that’s a MSP on top of them if you need it.
  4. Once you are at $200k / month of spend, it’s cheaper and much more effective to build your own infrastructure
    This is frequently untrue and based on people not understanding the full costs of getting stuck in the infrastructure business. What’s your cost of delay? Average enterprise “wait for servers” time is about 6 weeks; assuming you’re not just using them for nothing, your ROI is delayed by that amount. And what about all the operation of those complex systems? You can’t just stick in the salary of the developers and sysadmins you’d need – stick in your revenue per employee instead, because that headcount could be doing something useful for your company instead of plumbing. Not to mention the cascading percentage of each layer of management’s time spent worrying ab out the plumbing and the plumbers instead of conducting the core business of the company. Cost of delay from lost agility and opportunity cost are never taken into account but definitely should be.

I know a lot of the old guard want cloud to dry up and go away, it bothers their lovely datacenters.  And some of the very new guard resent it because Amazon continues to be so successful – they keep up a rate of innovation that new players can’t disrupt. But this whole week of “the cloud is falling” news is complete BS, and won’t amount to much.

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