Monthly Archives: April 2016

CloudAustin Talks – April 2016

The CloudAustin user group that Karthik, James, and I run is in its fifth year and still going strong.  Our venue hosts at Rackspace now have the equipment to record the talks!  So I thought I’d share the videos and slides with our readers. Thanks to Derrick Wippler and Mike Schwartz, our speakers, and Rackspace and CenturyLink, our sponsors.

What Are Containers And Why Are They So Important, by Derrick Wippler

Struggling to understand all the hype around Docker? Don’t understand the difference between a VM and a container? Why are immutable operating systems cool? Why is everyone going crazy over Kubernetes/Swarm/Apache Mesos?

This talk will attempt to inform by pulling back the curtain on the container hype. We will dissect what a container is, why clustering containers and orchestration matters, immutable operating systems and finally where this is all going and how it will effect your future interaction with the cloud.

Derrick Wippler is: Tech Geek, Container evangelist, Software Developer, Entrepreneur and Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Imagineer. Creator of a SuperNES emulator ( And you can read my musings on technology on my blog (

Who Are You?  From Meat To Electrons And Back Again, by Mike Schwartz

Conventional wisdom tells us to use two-factor authentication—and it does help to improve security. But the best way to reduce user-friction is to never require a person to authenticate. This talk will provide a modern solution to reconcile these two divergent imperatives by leveraging standard profiles of OAuth2 for trust elevation. Its not just the front door that needs protection!

Mike Schwartz is the Founder of Gluu, a security software company serving companies, governments and universities around the world. Schwartz is a domain expert in application security, authentication and API access management. The Gluu Server is one of the leading implementations of OpenID Connect. Schwartz has participated in the development of standards like the User Managed Access (UMA) profile of OAuth2, a new standard for API access management. He is also Co-chair of the Open Trust Taxonomy for OAuth2 (OTTO) working group at Kantara to create new standards for multiparty federation. Before starting Gluu, Schwartz was a security integrator for many large enterprises. He also was the Founder of an ISP in the ’90s. He now resides with his family (and pigeons) in Austin, TX.

Does this make you want to speak at CloudAustin, or sponsor it?  Well please do!  Come email us at austin-cug-admin at googlegroups dot com and sign up.  And of course come attend, we meet the third Tuesday night of every month at Rackspace’s Austin facility on I-35 at 183.

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Lean Security

James and I have been talking lately about the conjunction of Lean and Security.  The InfoSec world is changing rapidly, and just as DevOps has incorporated Lean techniques into the systems world, we feel that security has a lot to gain from doing the same.

We did a 20 minute talk on the subject at RSA, you can check out the slides and/or watch the video:

While we were there we were interviewed by Derek Weeks.  Read his blog post with a transcript of the interview, and/or watch the interview video!

Back here in Austin, I did an hour-long extended version of the talk for the local OWASP chapter.  Here’s a blog writeup from Kate Brew, and the slides and video:

We’ll be writing more about it here, but we wanted to get a content dump out to those who want it!

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Filed under DevOps, Security