Monthly Archives: January 2018

CNCF and K8s 101’s

I never make New Year’s resolutions, but I want to do something different for 2018!

One thing I’m learning a lot about is Kubernetes and the CNCF ecosystem around it over the past couple of years and often find myself having a hard time keeping up with ecosystem sometimes. There are almost weekly releases on the many projects, and getting started content for all the new tools and technology is hard to find.

So! I plan to do quick 101 blogs on different topics under the Container/Kubernetes/CNCF umbrella. My first blog article will be on Prometheus- The monitoring tool that integrates GREAT with k8s! It’ll be based on my GitHub code here: (shhh sneak peak).

But, I need your help! Give me a list of things you are confused about in the container space, or want more info on, and I’ll be happy to do the legwork on it!

So, give me input here, or on twitter!

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Filed under Cloud, DevOps, k8s, Monitoring

Released! Learning Kubernetes and K8s: Native Tools


I’ve been working on the managed Kubernetes Engine at Oracle as described here by my StackEngine CEO Bob Quillin.

Being knee deep in the Kubernetes and CNCF ecosystem is very exciting, and it reminds me a lot of the early days of the Docker ecosystem. Kubecon in December had a lot going on with a plethora of projects and lots of vendors. In the future, I believe Kubernetes will be the defacto platform that many large enterprises will use as their orchestration and IT platform when they look to modernize their architecture. It is either all Kubernetes, or all cloud native, or serverless, or somewhere in between.

And speaking of K8s, my Lynda courses on Kubernetes just released! I had filmed them late last year at Lynda’s campus in Carpinteria, CA- Learning Kubernetes and Kubernetes: Native Tools!

Learning Kubernetes covers all the information you’ll need to get started using Kubernetes- the concepts, examples, install and everything you’ll need to get started rocking with k8s!

Kubernetes: Native Tools is a shorter course that covers the different tools available in the k8s ecosystem.

Let me know what you think- and, reach out if you have questions or issues! K8s might be overwhelming initially, but stick with it, and it’ll make your container management life so much easier!


Filed under DevOps