Monthly Archives: October 2017

LASCON 2017 Conference Notes

Well, last Thursday and Friday I went to LASCON, our local Austin application security convention! It started back in 2010; here’s the videos from previous years (the 2017 talks were all recorded and should show up there sometime soon.  Some years I get a lot out of LASCON and some I don’t, this one was a good one and I took lots and lots of notes!  Here they are in mildly-edited format for your edification.  Here’s the full schedule, obviously I could only go to a subset of all the great content myself.  They pack in about 500 people to the Norris Conference Center in Austin.

Day 1 Keynote

The opening keynote was Chris Nickerson, CEO of LARES, on pen testing inspired thoughts.  Things I took away from his talk:

  • We need more mentorships/internships to get the skills we need, assuming someone else is going to prep them for us (school?) is risible
  • Automate and simplify to scale and enable lower skill folks to do the job – if you need all security geniuses to do anything that’s your fault
  • There’s a lack of non made up measurements – most of the threat severities etc. are in the end pure judgement calls only loosely based on objective measures
  • Testing – how do we know it’s working?
  • How do all the tools fit together? Only ops knows… 2017-10-26 09.43.34.jpg
  • Use an attack inventory and continually test your systems
  • Red team automation plus blue team analytics gives you telemetry
  • Awareness of ego:2017-10-26 09.49.18.jpg

Security for DevOps

2017-10-26 10.19.27

Then the first track talk I went to was on Security for DevOps, by Shannon Lietz, DevSecOps Leader at Intuit. She’s a leader in this space and I’ve seen her before at many DevOps conferences.

Interesting items from the talk:

  • Give security defects to your devs, but characterize adversary interest so they can prioritize.
  • Reduce waste in providing info to devs.
  • 70-80% of bad guys return in 7 days – but 20% wait 30d till your logs roll

She likes to use the killchain metaphor for intrusion and the MITRE severity definitions.2017-10-26 10.24.58

But convert those into “letter grades” for normal people to understand!  Learn development-ese to communicate with devs, don’t make them learn your lingo.2017-10-26 10.36.15
Read the Google Beyondcorp white papers for newfangled security model:
1. zoning and containment
2. Asset management
3. Authentication/authorization
4. Encryption

Vendors please get to one tool per phase, it’s just too much.

2017-10-26 10.48.52.jpg
Other things to read up on…

Startup Security: Making Everyone Happy

2017-10-26 11.14.29By Mike McCabe and Brian Henderson of Stratum Security (,, this was a great talk that reminded me of Paul Hammond’s seminal Infrastructure for Startups talk from Velocity. So you are getting started and don’t have a lot of spare time or money – what is highest leverage to ensure product security?

They are building security SaaS products (sold one off already, now making XFIL) and doing security consulting. If we get hacked no one wants our product.

The usual startup challenges – small group of devs, short timelines, new tech, AWS, secrets.


  • Build security in and automate it
  • Make use of available tools, linters, SCA tools, fuzzing
  • Continuous testing
  • AWS hardening
  • Alerting
  • Not covering host security, office security, incident response here
    2017-10-26 11.24.12

They use AWS, codeship, docker (benefits – dev like in prod, run tools local, test local). JavaScript, golang, no more rust (too bleeding edge). Lack of security tooling for the new stuff.

Need to not slow down CI, so they want tooling that will advise and not block the build. The highest leverage areas are:

  • Linting – better than nothing. ESLint with detect-unsafe-regex and detect-child-process. Breaks build. High false positives, have to tweak your rules. Want a better FOSS tool.
  • Fuzzing – gofuzz based on AFL fuzz, sends random data at function, use on custom network protocols
  • Source code analysis – HP Gas
  • Automated dynamic testing – Burp/ZIP
  • Dependency checking. Dependencies should be somewhat researched – stats, sec issues (open/closed and how their process works)
  • Pull requests – let people learn from each other

Continuous integration – they use codeship pro and docker
Infrastructure is easy to own – many third party items, many services to secure

AWS Tips:

  • Separate environments into AWS accounts
  • Don’t use root creds ever
  • Alert on root access and failed logins with cloudwatch. [Ed. Or AlienVault!]
  • All users should use MFA
  • Rigorous password policy
  • Use groups and roles (not direct policy assignment to user)
  • Leverage policy conditions to limit console access to a single IP/range so you know you’re coming in via VPN
  • Bastion host – alert on access in Slack
  • Duo on SSH via PAM plugin
  • Must be on VPN
  • Use plenty of security groups
  • AWS alering on failed logins, root account usage, send to slack

See also Ken Johnson’s AWS Survival Guide

Logging – centralize logs, splunk/aws splunk plugin (send both direct and to Cloudwatch for redundancy), use AWS splunk plugin.

Building the infrastructure – use a curated base image, organize security groups, infra as code, manage secrets (with IAM when you can). Base image using packer. Strip down and then add splunk, cloudwatch, ossec, duo, etc. and public keys. All custom images build off base.

Security groups – consistent naming. Don’t forget to config the default sec group even if you don’t intend to use it.

Wish we had used Terraform or some other infrastructure as code setup.

Managing secrets – don’t put them in plain test in github, docker, ami, s3. Put them into KMS, Lambda, parameter store, vault. They do lambda + KMS + ECS. The Lambda pulls encrypted secrets out of s3, pushes out container tasks to ecs with secrets. See also “The Right Way To Manage Secrets With AWS” from the Segment blog about using the new Parameter Store for that.2017-10-26 11.42.38
Next steps:

  • more alerting esp. from the apps (failed logins, priv escalation)
  • terraform
  • custom sca (static analysis)
  • automate and scale fuzzing maybe with spot instances

Security is hard but doesn’t have to be expensive – use what’s available, start from least privilege, iterate and review!

Serverless Security

2017-10-26 13.54.30

By fellow Agile Admin, James Wickett of Signal Sciences.  Part one is introducing serverless and why it’s good, and then it segues to securing serverless apps halfway in.

Serverless enables functions as a service with less messing with infrastructure.

What is serverless? Adrian Cockroft – “if your PaaS can start instances in 20ms that run for half a second, it’s serverless.” AWS Lambda start time is 343 ms to start and 84 ms on subsequent hits, not quite the 20ms Cockroft touts but eh. Also read and then stop arguing about the name for God’s sake.  What’s wrong with you people.  [James is too polite to come out and say that last part but I’m not.]

Not good for large local disk space, long running jobs, big IO, super super latency sensitive. Serverless frameworks include serverless, apex, go sparta, kappa. A framework really helps. You get an elastic, fast API running at very low cost. But IAM is complicated.

So how to keep it secure?

  • Externalize stuff out of the app/infra levels – do TLS in API gateway not the app, routing in API gateway not the app.
  • There’s stack element proliferation – tends to be “lambda+s3+kinesis+auth0+s3+…”
  • Good talk on bad IAM roles – “Gone in 60 seconds: Intrusion and Exfiltration in Serverless Architectures” –
  • good security pipeline hygeine
  • security testing in CI w/gauntlt
  • DoS challenges including attack detection…
  • github/wickett/lambhack is a vulnerable lambda+api gateway stack like webgoat. you can use it to poke around with command execution in lambda… including making a temp file that persists across invocations
  • need to monitor longer run times, higher error rate occurrences, data ingestion (size), log actions of lambdas
  • For defense: vandium (sqli wrapper), content security policies

And then I was drafted to be in the speed debates!  Less said about that the better, but I got some free gin out of it.

Architecting for Security in the Cloud
2017-10-27 10.18.40

By Josh Sokol, Security Spanker for National Instruments! He did a great job at explaining the basics. I didn’t write it all down because as an 3l33t Cloud Guru a lot wasn’t new to me but it was very instructive in reminding me to go back to super basics when talking to people.  “Did you know you can use ssh with a public/private key and not just a password?” I had forgotten people don’t know that, but people don’t know that and it’s super important to teach those simple things!

  • Code in private GitHub repo
  • Automation tool to check updates and deploy
  • Use a bastion to ssh in
  • Good db passwords
  • Wrap everything in security groups
  • Use vpcs
  • Understand your attack surfaces – console, github, public ports
  • Analyze attack vectors from these (plus insiders)
  • Background checks for employees
  • Use IAM, MFA, password policies
  • Audit changes
  • The apps are the big one
  • Https, properly configured
  • Use an IPS/WAF
  • Keys not just passwords for SSH
  • Encrypt data before storing in db

Digital Security For Nonprofits

2017-10-27 10.58.21

2017-10-27 11.00.23

Dr. Kelley Misata was an MBA in marketing and then got cyber stalked.  This led to her getting an InfoSec Ph.D from Spaf at Purdue! Was communications director for Tor, now runs the org that manages Suricata.

Her thesis was on the gap of security in nonprofits, esp. violence victims, human trafficking. And in this talk, she shares her findings.

Non-profits are being targeted for same reasons as for-profits as well as ideology, with int’l attackers. They take money and cards and everything like other companies.
63% of nonprofits suffered a data breach in a 2016 self report survey.  Enterprises vet the heck out of their suppliers… But hand over data to nonprofits that may not have much infosec at all.

ISO 27000, Cobit 5… normal people don’t understand that crap. NIST guidance is more consumable – “watered down” to the infosec elite but maps back to the more complex guidelines.

She sent out surveys to 500 nonprofits expecting the normal rate of return but got 222 replies back… That’s an extremely high response rate indicating high level of interest.
Nonprofits tend to have folks with fewer tech skills, and they more urgent needs than cyber security like “this person needs a bed tonight.”  They also don’t speak techie language – when she sent out a followup a common question was “What does “inventory” mean?”

90% of nonprofits use Facebook and 53% use Twitter.  They tend to have old systems. Nonprofit environments are different because what they do is based on trust. They get physical security but don’t know tech.

2017-10-27 11.21.16.jpgThey are not sure where to go for help, and don’t have much budget. Many just use PayPal, not a more general secure platform, for funds collection. And many outsource – “If we hand it off to someone it must be secure!”

The scary but true message for nonprofits is that it’s not if but when you will have a breach. Have a plan. Cybersecurity insurance passes the buck.

You can’t be effective if you can’t message effectively to your audience. She uses “tinkerer” not hacker for white hats, because you can complain all you want about “hacker not cracker blah blah” but sorry, Hollywood forms people’s views, and normal people don’t want a “hacker” touching their stuff period.

Even PGP encrypting emails, which is very high value for most nonprofits, is ridiculously complicated for norms.

What to do to improve security of nonprofits? Use an assessment tool in an engaging way. Help them prioritize.
She is starting a nonprofit, Sightline Security for this purpose. Check it out! This was a great talk and inspires me to keep working to bring security to everyone not just the elite/rich – we’re not really safe until all the services we use are secure.

2017-10-27 11.42.09.jpg

Malware Clustering
2017-10-27 13.03.01

By Srini (Srivathsan Srinivasagopalan), a data scientist from my team at AlienVault!

Clustering malware into groups helps you characterize how families of it work, both in general and as they develop over time.

To cluster, you need to know what behavior you want to cluster on, it’s too computationally challenging to tell the computers “You know… group this stuff similarly.”

You make signatures to match samples on that behavior. Analyzed malware (like by cuckoo) generally gives you static and dynamic sections of behavior you can use as inputs. There’s various approaches, which he sums up.  If you’re not into math you should probably stop reading here so as to not hurt yourself.

To hash using shingling – concatenate a token sequence and hash them.2017-10-27 13.12.07.jpg
Jaccard similarity is computationally challenging.
Min-hashing2017-10-27 13.28.39
Locality sensitive hash based clustering

Hybrid approach: corpus vectorization

2017-10-27 13.37.16
Next…Opscode clustering! Not covered here.

TL;DR, there’s a lot of data to be scienced around security data, and it takes time and experimentation to find algorithms that are useful.

Cloud Ops Master Class

2017-10-27 14.00.48By @mosburn and @nathanwallace
Trying to manage 80 teams and 20k instances in 1 account – eek!  Limits even AWS didn’t know about.
They split accounts, went to bakery model. Workload isolation.
They wrote tooling to verify versions across accounts. It sucked.
Ride the rockets – leverage the speed of cloud services.
Change how the team works to scale – teach, don’t do to avoid bottlenecking. App team self serves. Cloud team teaches.

2017-10-27 14.29.04.jpgPolicies: Simple rules. Must vs should. Always exceptions.
The option requirement must be value in scope.
Learn by doing. Guardrails – detect and correct.
2017-10-27 14.29.10Change control boards are evil – use policy not approval.
Sharing is the devil.
Abstracting removes value – use tools natively.

  • Patterns at scale
  • Common language and models
  • Automate and repeat patterns
  • Avoid custom central services
  • Accelerate don’t constrain
  • Slice up example repos
  • Visibility
  • Audit trail
  • Git style diff of infra changes
  • Automate extremely – tickets and l1-2 go away
  • All ops automated, all alerts go to apps so things get fixed fast

He’s created Turbot to do software defined ops –

  • Cross account visibility
  • Make a thing in the console… then it applies all the policies. Use native tools, don’t wrap.
  • Use resource groups for rolling out policies
  • Keep execution mostly out of the loop

2017-10-27 14.22.32.jpg

And that was my LASCON 2017! Always a good show, and it’s clear that the DevOps mentality is now the cutting edge in security.

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Filed under Conferences, Security

Java Docker Pull Travails

Just had a problem that I thought I’d document the solution to for the world…

In our build pipeline at work, we use maven and the fabric8 docker-maven-plugin to manage our builds.  We love it, developers can just “mvn install” locally and then the Atlassian Bamboo build system just “mvn deploy”s in the exact same way.

Well, so we had some builds that suddenly weren’t able to pull the base images specified in our Dockerfiles down from Dockerhub, breaking the build with 500 error messages like:

[ERROR] DOCKER> Unable to pull 'library/debian:sid' from registry '' : received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Server Error (Internal Server Error: 500) [received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Server Error (Internal Server Error: 500)]

But it worked fine on our local box. And it could pull our custom images from Artifactory fine. What’s the problem here?  Bamboo?  The plugin? Well, some helpful community folks helped home in on it, it turns out that for some versions of Java 1.8, 8u131 and prior at least going back to 112, where there’s some problem (TLS? Root certs? Not really sure) that messes up when pulling a container from inside Java during our docker build step.  My team’s microservices aren’t Java based so the Java version doesn’t come up much – but of course maven uses Java.

Upgrading the JDK version to 8u144 made the problem go away.  We actually have an up to date curated Java version we use in Bamboo for our Java builds, but folks doing Python builds were just using the default “JDK 1.8” that Atlassian is putting on their Bamboo build agent AMI, which is of course old and suffers from this issue.


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Filed under DevOps

Long live ChatOps, RIP AOL IM!

I grew up in Muscat, Oman, and it was an exciting time when we got Internet at home in 1996. By 1998, all of my friends who had Internet at home were first on ICQ and then on AOL IM. AOL IM was huge when I went to college in the early 2000’s and was the primary way to connect friends together to chat. Back then, it was rare to have chat rooms, and the rooms that existed were usually long-running things set up to talk about general topics.

The first time I saw value in a chat room in a professional setting was when I got invited to a Basecamp “deploy room” by fellow Agile Admin Peco (or was it Ernest?) at NI when our quarterly release cycle was going super poorly, and all of us (100 other people) were waiting around at hour #34 trying to figure out why some random enterprise application was holding up the rest of the release process. Post invitation to the room, I was able to look at the past messages between the ops team about application failures, and then realized pretty quickly that our databases weren’t actually responding like they should. It took all of 10 minutes to ask someone on the ops side with credentials to run a database query, and figure out that the db creds were all wrong. 2 hours later, the release was all done…

That moment made me realize that 1×1 chats were great, but having a persistent chat rooms with teams of people added value to an organization.

Recently, a colleague asked me a simple question that made me reflect. He asked, “What’s the big deal about Slack?”. At work, there’s been a big push to move towards Slack, when we’ve had 1×1 chat forever. Here are my 5 most compelling reasons for doing so:

1) Collaboration++: 15 years ago, software was a simpler, and there was no cloud/microservices. You’d have 1 large binary to deploy for a platform, and typically have a few folks who understood the overall workings of platform. Today, with microservices, you require a bunch of applications to deploy, and each of these have specific owners who understand specifics. Thus, you’re going to have to have conversations with multiple folks to figure out any issues. Having this in a room setting versus a 1×1 setting gets you to a resolution faster.

2) Chat metadata: Chat is less about words, and more about conversations that include images, links, slash commands, workflows etc. Chatops tools make pasting these much easier than before, and looking at formatted code in Slack is so much easier to read than looking at the same in pidgin.

3) Chat History: Chat apps now give you history – even from when you were not online or in the chat room. This is valuable from the perspective that you can see everything from when you weren’t around, and don’t have to ask someone to keep repeating the problem over and over again. You can just scroll up, read the context, and be ready to help if you can. This is my one knock against IRC (or at least the implementation of IRC at a company I worked at); it was nice to have everyone in a spot, but it only worked when we were VPN’ed in, and had no history.

4) Pipelining with chatbots: Continuous Integration/Delivery is all the rage these days! Having a chat system that allows for your devops systems to push data is a primary requirement in order to build a pipeline of this sort. Responses to broken builds, tests, alerts are quicker when the data associated with these are transmitted to a chatroom that you’re looking at, than having to look at Jenkins all the time. Chatbots are invaluable in this scenario, and help you with information flow.

5) The new normal: A new generation of engineers already do this. It’s already part of the culture for the next generation of engineers who work on open source (for example, kubernetes slack) and there’s even chatter about slack at Universities now. The world is evolving towards broader conversation, and not having chatops tools will hurt your company in terms of hiring and retention.


Agree/Disagree, or have a different perspective? Let me know by commenting below!


Filed under Agile, DevOps

Docker 101

Working at Stackengine, and now at Oracle, I’ve been working in the Docker ecosystem for the last 5 years!

While containerization has taken the IT and devops world by storm, a lot of larger enterprises might still be on the outside looking in. If you find yourself in that boat, you’re in luck!

Here’s a quick video on getting you running your very first Docker container on your Mac in under 5 minutes.

Also, I had the pleasure of traveling back to my childhood hometown of Bengaluru and presenting a workshop at Code Conf this year. I’ll create a separate post about my travels, but I got to present a workshop lab that is an Introduction to Containers. This lab is a perfect follow on to the video above, and will help you get started on your Docker journey! Let me know if you have questions.

If you’re more of a product manager, or just looking for why you’d want to use Docker, and understand its usecases, you can take a look at this presentation I had published on Why to docker? as shown below.

Questions, comments, or concerns? Hit us up by leaving a comment below…


Filed under DevOps

DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile

Well you’re in for a treat – we’re getting all of the Agile Admins in on making DevOps courses, and Karthik and I did a course that’s just released today – DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile.

It’s available both on LinkedIn Learning:

and on

After James and I did DevOps Foundations, the “101” course, we were focused on building out courses for the three major practice areas of DevOps – Continuous Deployment, Infrastructure Automation, and Site Reliability Engineering (in progress now). But our content manager said there was interest in us also expanding on the use of Agile and Lean especially as it relates to DevOps.

Karthik is our agile admin Agile expert; he’s presented at several Agile conferences and the like, so he and I decided to take it on.  But how would we bring a DevOps specific take to it?  We started outlining a course and realized it could turn into a giant boring encyclopedia of every Lean and Agile term ever. Most of what we have to add isn’t reading definitions, it’s sharing our experiences actually doing this (my Scrum for Operations series on this blog is perennially popular).

So we decided to take a tip from both Eliahu Goldratt’s The Goal and Gene Kim’s The Phoenix Project by framing the course as a fictional story!  By stitching a narrative together of a Lean, Agile, DevOps transformation of a hypothetical company out of our real world stories from a variety of implementations, we figured we could explain the concepts in context and make them more interesting.  Let us know what you think!

Lynda Course Description:

By applying lean and agile principles, engineering teams can deliver better systems and better business outcomes—both of which are crucial to the success of DevOps. In this course, instructors Ernest Mueller and Karthik Gaekwad discuss the theories, techniques, and benefits of agile and lean. Learn how they can be applied to operations teams to create a more effective flow from development into operations and accelerate your path of “concept to cash.” In addition to key concepts, you can hear in-the-trenches examples of implementing lean and agile in real-world software organizations.

Topics Include:
What is agile?
What is lean?
Measuring success
Learning and adapting
Building a culture of metrics
Continuous learning
Advanced concepts

1h 26m

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