Tag Archives: browser

Record and Replay Browser Testing, Take 2

Recently I reported, and I quote, “Bah!” from trying a bunch of record and playback cross browser testing options. To recap, we’re a startup, our devs are writing UI tests but we don’t have cross-browser testing, so I tried to find something where I could record and replay our pretty simple Angular UI flow and get some cross-browser testing on it without needing code. And I didn’t find anything that worked. But I got a bit more traction after that first run at it, so here’s part 2.


The EndTest support folks looked into it and fixed my test so it worked. Some were alternate locator schemes.  Some were advanced options I am not sure how I would have figured out (to close those pesky multiselect dropdowns, you can’t just click on the overlay backdrop that comes up, you have to offset by some pixels…).  I am not a front end guy, I just fake it, so this is a little daunting, but their support seems able to help with tests so it’s doable.

I now have a working test, somewhat generated from the recording and somewhat generated by programming. The trial doesn’t allow other browsers by default but they turned them on for me.  With some light fiddling I got them all running, and the only issue was IE not running because it didn’t like that pixel-offset workaround from the above and EndTest fixed it by changing my test to hit “enter” instead – fair enough.

I then also made a test for the second part of our flow that has a PDF that needs validation, you can do it with a screenshot comparison.

So after help from their support, I have a working test suite – it’s a stretch to say it’s pure record and replay; it’s record, edit the locators a bunch, and replay, but since my last iteration on this was “none of these solutions work and do crossbrowser”, that’s a big win.

Sauce Labs

Last time I had been trying to use the Selenium IDE for record/replay and integrate with Sauce for the crossbrowser testing. They got back to me and extended my trial minutes and gave me some tips on how to get some of the tests working.  They don’t support the Selenium IDE however so they don’t really help with the tests per se.

I had a weird experience, there were intermittent (but frequent) timeouts from running tests against Sauce with selenium-side-runner, just at some point 0-4 minutes into the test it’d hang and time out and give me a “ETIMEDOUT connect ETIMEDOUT″.  

And then I got into the lovely rich set of test things that don’t work the same across the browsers.  Oh, in Edge “the element isn’t clickable because it’s obscured.”  In Firefox on Mac “that radio button isn’t clickable because the inner part of the radio button obscures it.” All different elements.  The problem is, fiddling with the locators to get something that browser likes breaks it in the other browsers.  But the app works in those browsers, just not the tests.

Anyway, Sauce support said “we can’t support Selenium IDE questions” so I guess that’s it.  (I don’t know that those timeouts when running tests on their service count as selenium IDE questions but whatever). I had hope when I found Selenium IDE that a record and replay with Sauce was feasible but it seems like it’s a starting point to seed your own Selenium code at best.


A sales rep from mabl wouldn’t let go of me till I tried their solution. So I did and it has a lot of promise.  It tries a bunch of different methods to find a locator automatically and self-heals the tests, which is great.  On the one hand the tests are slow; a 4 minute selenium test is a 6-8 minute mabl test. On the other hand it works!

It worked the first time in fact (Well… second, but it was because I went into a click frenzy trying to get the mabl trainer window and our Hubspot popup out of my way). I now have a working mabl test, though it is having one-minute timeouts and confusion on that same “click on the backdrop to get out of the multiselect dropdown” issue that’s a pain in all the other solutions as well, it does it but after a long timeout and it doesn’t self heal it for the next test run so it works but is slow. I hate multiselect dropdowns. Anyway, after a discussion with mabl support it turns out that it tries a bunch of ways to find a locator and then self heals if it found a better one, and then tries a bunch of ways to click/exercise that locator but doesn’t self heal from that hence the long timeout in my test.  I gave them the feedback “self heal that too, yo!”

OK so it’s working, how about cross-browser?  I add Firefox – it works.  IE and Edge are only on the “enterprise plan” but I ask them to add them to the trial, they do, I run them, and…  They work!  Safari… Well, a problem there, but mabl looks at it and thinks it may be them. I’m super impressed, of all the stuff I’ve tried only GhostInspector actually recorded and replayed without significant recoding and that was only Chrome/Firefox.  They’re still working on a fix as of “press time.” They also do PDF testing, which we need..

So it works great and looks good!  And they have a lot of cool dev integration and stuff to get into, it uses a branching model for the tests, you can run the tests locally…  Great looking ecosystem. You can’t choose like OS platform though, the Chrome and Firefox are just on Linux. At our current level of detail that’s fine.

Next step is discussing pricing (Web site just says “contact us”)… And unfortunately it’s way, way out of reach of a 10-person startup. The cross-browser and PDF testing are part of the “Enterprise plan” but even if I sweet talk them into putting those features in their lowest cost plan it’s still cost prohibitive for us while we’re in seed round.  I mean, it’s totally worth it because it works out of the box without fiddling around, if I were still at AT&T Cybersecurity I’d make someone spring for it for sure, but it’s an extremely significant pricing step above these other solutions and not at the value point for where we are right now.  Dang.

New Bottom Line

OK so my new bottom line is this.

  1. If you just want quickie Chrome/Firefox on Linux record and replay, GhostInspector works out of the box. Nice but I want more browsers, doesn’t quite fit my needs.
  2. If you want record and replay on various OS/browser combinations and are willing to do some re-coding and testing of it to make it work, EndTest does it. Fits my need with a little pain, and is affordable.
  3. If you want cross-browser record and replay without hand coding, without full platform choices but with a bunch of cool dev friendly extras, mabl does a great job – for a lot more money than the other options.  Best for my needs, but most expensive.
  4. The other options basically don’t work on Angular (Crossbrowsertesting), or possibly work but with intensive time investment that makes it not really record and replay IMO (Sauce + Selenium IDE).
  5. Though if you don’t need a bunch of CI-driven executions per day and don’t care about all the platforms you can probably just use the Selenium IDE to do 3 major browsers locally installed on whatever laptop you have yourself for free (Safari/Chrome/Firefox on Mac or Chrome/Firefox/Whatever Microsoft Is Pushing Today on Windows). Free but DIY.

So for us being on a seed round budget, EndTest is probably the best compromise of functionality and price at this point, YMMV of course.

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Trying To Record And Replay Browser Tests… FML

I’m working for a startup right now and we don’t have a huge excess of development staff.  Our devs have been implementing UI testing in Cypress, but we also need some wide cross-browser testing of our front end Angular apps – we’d already found a couple blocker bugs on Edge and IE largely by accident.  The devs are all busy devving, so I figured I’d take that on. I said, “Well, there’s products where you can just click to record a UI session and replay it in other browsers without writing a bunch of code, let’s try that out.”  Most everyone has a free trial nowadays so I could see which ones were best. Then the pain began.

Sauce Labs – Part 1

I had used Sauce in a previous life, when we had a bunch of Robot Framework/Selenium tests and I liked it.  So I went there first.  Unfortunately, they have no record/replay capability, verified by their support, so I moved on.

But I came back later because I had found that there was a Selenium IDE that’s a record and playback tester that you can integrate with Sauce by using selenium-side-runner.

Selenium IDE is very cool, its killer feature is that as it records it copies various ways to address an item on the screen – css, xpath, full xpath – and when it replays if the first one doesn’t work it tries the next one and if that works tells you “hey you should update this test.” That’s great because UI testing is shitty and unreliable at best, and once you have Angular generating ever-changing ids for elements it is even worse.  The only bad thing is you have to go add assertions in manually afterwards.

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So in fairly short order, I managed to get a reproducible Selenium IDE script that exercised our Angular app and works.  The app’s just like 7 screens of form fill, it’s not crazy.

Well, then I tried to save it as a “.side” project and feed it through Sauce by using selenium-side-runner, which is just:

npm install -g selenium-side-runner

selenium-side-runner –server <sauce-url> -c “browserName=’chrome’ version=’latest’ platform=’macOS 10.14′” ‘Paul Precision.side’

You get that sauce URL that has credentials embedded under User Settings/Driver Creation in their UI.

Unfortunately once I push it to sauce (starting on the same OS/browser, which you go get the tokens for from their Platform Configurator) – problems. The player is great, it shows the video (even live while testing) synced to the step taking place (unfortunately since I’m piping it in, it’s not showing the steps in the test syntax, but in raw Selenium execution syntax).

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I fixed most of them by going and changing selectors away from CSS to xpath, then sitting there iterating with chrome dev tools and the IDE trying new ways to use an item that works in chrome then works in selenium IDE and then… Doesn’t work on Sauce. I have gotten it 90% working but the last 10% is blocking me.


Next I tried SmartBear’s CrossBrowserTesting.com. An all-in-browser recorder that worked great!  And then the replays didn’t work.  I messed with it a while and contacted their support, who said “Oh yeah it doesn’t do angular, it’s for static pages.”  So on to the next one. Who uses static pages, this is 2020?

The interface is nice enough, editable steps next to a running video (though not synced up).

Actually looking at it closer I bet I could do the same “edit all the locators” deal and try to get it to work but… My 7 day trial is over (a week shorter than the other options) so I guess I can’t try.  It didn’t do the nice multi-locator guessing Selenium IDE did but it does seem to have several options in a dropdown while I edit the tests, and the recorder is integrated into the offering so that’s nice – the UI was good overall. Unfortunately the super short trial and the presales support saying “Angular? Go away!” prevented me from really seeing if it can work for us.

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Demoralized, I head to Twitter, and someone recommends GhostInspector.  You record it with a Chrome plugin and then replay in the browser – video, but then it shows the editable steps next to a screenshot showing % change from the last screenshot (the steps aren’t synced to the video, which would be better) .  You can do assertions while you’re recording.  And the replay works the first time and every time – Hallelujah!

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And then I look to set up cross-browser and discover they only support Chrome and Firefox, and to even do that in an automated manner you have to duplicate the entire test suite.  I was so disappointed, it worked perfectly otherwise.

Seriously y’all if you add more browsers I’ll pay you immediately for this.


Determined to make this happen I find EndTest and, after verifying they support a full OS/browser matrix, try them. They also use a browser plugin recorder like GhostInspector.

I’ll be honest, the UX is terrible.  Besides the 1990s colored icons, everything is always a click away – you have to watch the replay video separately from looking at the logs from looking at the steps from editing the steps. Everyone, the magic combination is editable steps to the left, running video and logs to the right, highlight the step you’re on as it plays. Anything else harms your usability.  And also while editing steps you can’t add a step in just anywhere, you have to add it at the end of your 100 steps and then drag it up page by page…  And often when you do that you just get “error saving test” messages for no reason. Argh.

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But… The recording is quick and then it is semi working.  Tempting.  Now I start the iterative edit-replay-debug cycle.  It is slow. You get to give your steps a name but those names don’t show up in the test output, because why would they.  After an afternoon of fiddling, I’m halfway through a 7 screen flow. Their support was nicely proactive and reached out to me about an error (I was looking for text with a $ in it and you can’t do that, but you can define a variable and then use that…)

It’s at this point I also find the Selenium IDE and bring Sauce back into the mix.

Keep Trying – Sauce and EndTest

Next, what I was doing was fiddling with the steps in the Selenium IDE, then pumping those changes both into Sauce via CLI and manually editing them into EndTest’s UI, desperately hoping to get one to pass (they don’t act the same under the same inputs for whatever reason).

Locator by locator I grind through making the test work.  I have a lot of trouble where we use multiple option mat-selects, because they “stay open” while you select items and I can’t get them to close.  I try sending ESCAPE keys but can’t get that to work, I try double clicking on other things…  One of our devs figured out the magical thing to click on was the overlay backdrop (css=.cdk-overlay-backdrop) to close the damn multiselect box.

This takes several grueling days.  I ask support folks for help but don’t really get any useful traction.  Finally, I get a magic combination in the Selenium IDE that also works in Sauce!  I try the same ones in EndTest and they don’t work.

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It’s super frustrating.  The same locator doesn’t work in all 3 tools, often forcing me to choose a less portable option – instead of something resilient to change like “xpath=//span[contains(.,’Visual Line of Sight’)]” – which works in some cases – I end up having to use something like like  xpath=//mat-option[@id=’mat-option-87′]/mat-pseudo-checkbox (and sadly in angular material those IDs randomize unpredictably). Like, there will literally be two identical-except-for-the-text-and-ids-in-them widgets one after the another and one kind of locator works on the first one and not on the second. No idea why.

Sauce Labs – Part 2

OK, so of all the options the only one that actually works for me and will allegedly do crossbrowser testing is an unsupported combo of Selenium IDE and Sauce run off the command line.  A couple sources I found over the course of this:

Not optimal, but at this point I’m a week in and taking what I can get.  Let’s try an actual crossbrowser matrix now.  Bonus hacky Bash script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

tests=("Paul Precision.side")

platforms=("browserName='chrome' version='latest' platform='macOS 10.14'"
        "browserName='chrome' version='latest' platform='Windows 10'"
        "browserName='chrome' version='latest' platform='Linux'"
        "browserName='MicrosoftEdge' version='latest' platform='Windows 10'"
        "browserName='safari' version='latest' platform='macOS 10.14'"
        "browserName='firefox' version='latest' platform='macOS 10.14'"
        "browserName='internet explorer' version='latest' platform='Windows 10'")

for test in "${tests[@]}"
        for platform in "${platforms[@]}"
        echo Running "${test}" "${platform}" 
        selenium-side-runner --server https://<secrets>@ondemand.saucelabs.com:443/wd/hub -c "${platform}" "${test}"

Chrome on MacOS – works.  Chrome on Windows – works.  Chrome on Linux – for some reason can’t find a selector early on.  Edge on Windows – weird proxy 400 error, won’t even load the page.  Pretty sure that’s not my fault.  Safari on MacOS – can’t click on the first things it needs to click on.  Firefox on MacOS – same error?  Really?  Now IE… Out of minutes (despite the UI telling me .6 automated hours remain).

I have tried all these os/browser combos manually and they work.

So my conclusion is all these suck and I guess I just need to pay manual QA people to click on our app.  Great.  Or for Cypress to get off their butts and add cross-browser support, which they say “is coming” for three years now.

We’re a startup and time is money, so in the end cross-browser testing is not worth the hassle in all these solutions.  But it is important and I’d love someone to make a solution that actually works for it.

P.S. Please do not suggest another solution unless it has a) UI record and replay capability and b) is cross browser (Chrome/Firefox/Safari/IE/Edge on Windows/MacOS/Linux). I know there’s a million browser automation testing tools out there, that’s not what I need.


I put some more time into this and got some working options – see Record and Replay Browser Testing, Take 2!

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Dang, People Still Love Them Some IE6

We get a decent bit of Web traffic here on our site.  I was looking at the browser and platform breakdowns and was surprised to see IE6 still in the lead!  I’m not sure if these stats are representative of “the Internet in general” but I am willing to bet they are representative of enterprise-type users, and we get enough traffic that most statistical noise should be filtered out.  I thought I’d share this; most of the browser market share research out there is more concerned with the IE vs Firefox (vs whoever) competition aspect and less about useful information like versions.  Heck we had to do custom work to get the Firefox version numbers; our Web analytics vendor doesn’t even provide that.  In the age of more Flash and Silverlight and other fancy schmancy browser tricks, disregarding what versions and capabilites your users run is probably a bad idea.

  1. IE6 – 23.46%
  2. IE7 – 21.37%
  3. Firefox 3.5 – 17.28%
  4. IE8 – 14.62%
  5. Firefox 3 – 12.52%
  6. Chrome – 4.38%
  7. Opera 9 – 2.20%
  8. Safari – 1.95%
  9. Firefox 2 – 1.27%
  10. Mozilla – 0.48%

It’s pretty interesting to see how many people are still using that old of a browser, probably the one their system came loaded with originally.  On the Firefox users, you see the opposite trend – most are using the newest and it tails off from there, probably what people “expect” to see.  The IE users start with the oldest and tail towards the newest!  You’d think that more people’s IT departments would have mandated newer versions at least.  I wish we could see what percentage of our users are hitting “from work” vs. “from home” to see if this data is showing a wide disparity between business and consumer browser tech mix.

Bonus stats – Top OSes!

  1. Windows XP – 76.5%
  2. Windows Vista – 14.3%
  3. Mac – 2.7%
  4. Windows NT – 1.8%
  5. Linux – 1.8%
  6. Win2k – 1.5%
  7. Windows Server 2003 – 1.2%

Short form – “everyone uses XP.”  Helps explain the IE6 popularity because that’s what XP shipped with.

Edit – maybe everyone but me knew this, but there’s a pretty cool “Market Share” site that lets people see in depth stats from a large body of data…  Their browser and OS numbers validate ours pretty closely.

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Browser Support – Just Do It

I am moved to post today by a gripe.  We have a lot of products and SaaS vendors that for some reason feel like they don’t need to support browsers other than whatever it is they have in their mind as the one browser they’re going to support.   I have Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 8 beta, and Chrome on my PC but still can’t use many of the darn programs I needed to use today.  (Of course, you can’t run different IE versions on the same box without resorting to virtualization or similar, so once I went to IE8 beta I knew I was in a world of hurt).

Let me share with you the top 10 browsers we see on our Web site.  These numbers are from the last 500k visits so they should be statistically representative.

  • IE7 – 34.9%
  • Firefox – 31.0%
  • IE6 – 25.9%
  • Safari (includes Chrome) – 4.1%
  • Opera 9 – 2.3%
  • IE8 beta – .9%
  • Mozilla – .4%
  • Charlotte – .1%
  • Yeti – .1%
  • IE5 – .1%

All you suppliers who think “I don’t need to support Firefox” – think again.  And you’re all doing a bad job of supporting IE8.  I know it’s new – but if you’ve already been only supporting one browser, be advised that as soon as IE8 goes gold everyone will auto-download it from Microsoft and then you’re SOL.   And there’s a lot of IE6 out there still, even if you are trying to do “IE only.”

To name names – Peopleclick.  IE7 support only.  Really?  You really only want 35% of users to use your product?  Or you think we’re going to mandate an internal company standard for your one app?  Get real.

Sharepoint.  No editing in Firefox.  When we evaluated intranet collaboration solutions here, we got down to Atlassian Confluence and Sharepoint as finalists, but then the “no Firefox” factor got Sharepoint booted for cause.  Confluence itself doesn’t support Safari until its newest version, which was annoying.  (Microsoft does promise the new version of Sharepoint out later this year will have adequate Firefox support.)

Graphs don’t work right in Firefox in Panorama, otherwise a pet favorite APM tool.

So guys – I know it’s a pain, but the Windows browser market is split and Macs are undergoing a renaissance.  Real companies don’t tell 5 to 10 percent of their customers to screw off (let alone 65%, Peopleclick).  It’s a cost of doing business.   You’re getting out of a whole bunch of client side code writing by cheating and using Web browsers for it, so be grateful for that rather than ungrateful that you have to test in a couple different browsers.  Because corporate decisionmakers like myself will ask, and we will make buying decisions based on it.


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