Tag Archives: cloudaustin

Ask A Tech Manager

We had a really interesting joint CloudAustin/Austin DevOps meeting this week – a tech manager panel!  Ask them anything!  We had 92 people attend and we had to herd them all out of the building with sticks at the end because everyone had so many questions that even at two hours it was still going strong.

My takeaways:

  • Understanding managers’ viewpoint and goals is critical to an individual engineer when looking to get hired or promoted or whatever.
  • Managers want you to be successful – you being successful vs you not being successful (and/or leaving or being let go) is a huge win for them in all ways.
  • Looking for a job?
    • Your resume should be tuned to a job and either through its top section or a cover letter tell a story. Hiring managers get 100-200 applications/resumes per job. They don’t expect you to have everything on the job application – “50% is fine” was the consensus. But they’re doing a first cut before they talk to you, and a lot of people spam resumes, so if your resume doesn’t clearly say why you, add something that does.
    • For a Cloud Engineer position, for example, there’s a big difference between a random UNIX admin resume and a random UNIX admin resume that says “I’m excited about cloud and working towards an AWS certification on the side and really want to find a new job I can do cloud in.” The first one is discarded without comment, the second one can move ahead if they’re willing for people to learn – and given the “50%” thing, they are generally willing for people to lean, if those people are willing to learn!
  • Interviewing for a job?
    • Everyone hates every different interviewing tactic (see Hiring is Broken, and we have the Ultimate Fix) – individual interviews, panel interviews. whiteboard design, online coding, takehome projects, poring over your resume, checking your github, looking at your social meda/blog/whatever. But in the end hiring managers are just trying a handful of things to see if they can figure out if you know what you need to know to do the job.
    • They can’t just take your word for it – their reputation is on the line when they bring people in, and you reflect on them. They want to understand if you’ll be successful. Recruiting, hiring, onboarding cost a lot of money so they can only take so much of a risk – they’re not real particular what the form “proof you can do the job” takes, they’re just fishing for something.
  • Performance issues?
    • If you’re having some outside problem, talk to your manager. People we work with are a cross-section of just plain people, and we expect every medical, psychological, marital, criminal, etc. issue to show up at some point.
    • Communicate. Again, it’s in their best interest you succeed. No one “wants to get rid of you.”
    • Unreasonable demands?  Communicate.  Lots of technical staff work long hours or do the wrong things because they don’t “manage up” well and communicate.  “Hey, with this change I have way too much to get done in 40-50 hours, this is what I think my priority list is, this is what will fall off, what can we do about it?” Bosses don’t know what you’re doing every minute of the day and can’t read your mind. I’ve personally worked with engineers burning themselves out while their same-team colleagues aren’t because they aren’t managing themselves – though they think it’s outside forces bullying them.
  • How to get ahead?
    • Understand the options.  What are career paths there?  How do raises and promotions work? What are the cycles, pools, etc – you can only work the system if you understand the system. Managers are happy to explain.
    • Communicate.  No one knows if you want to move into management or not, or feel like you’re due a promotion or not, if you don’t talk about it with them over time. You have to take charge of your own development – companies want to help you develop but a manager has N reports and a lot of things to worry about, they aren’t going to drive it for you.
    • Listen.  What is needed to get to that Lead Engineer position?  “Slingin’ code” and “being here for 3 years” are, I guarantee, not much of that list of requirements. Usually things like leadership, image, communication, and exposure have a role. Read “How To Win Friends And Influence People” and stuff if you need to. “I just grind code by myself all day” is fine but there’s a max level to which you will rise doing so.

Anyway, thanks to all the managers that participated and all the attendees that grilled them!  I hope it helped people understand better how to guide their own careers.

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CloudAustin Talks – April 2016

The CloudAustin user group that Karthik, James, and I run is in its fifth year and still going strong.  Our venue hosts at Rackspace now have the equipment to record the talks!  So I thought I’d share the videos and slides with our readers. Thanks to Derrick Wippler and Mike Schwartz, our speakers, and Rackspace and CenturyLink, our sponsors.

What Are Containers And Why Are They So Important, by Derrick Wippler

Struggling to understand all the hype around Docker? Don’t understand the difference between a VM and a container? Why are immutable operating systems cool? Why is everyone going crazy over Kubernetes/Swarm/Apache Mesos?

This talk will attempt to inform by pulling back the curtain on the container hype. We will dissect what a container is, why clustering containers and orchestration matters, immutable operating systems and finally where this is all going and how it will effect your future interaction with the cloud.

Derrick Wippler is: Tech Geek, Container evangelist, Software Developer, Entrepreneur and Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Imagineer. Creator of a SuperNES emulator (http://www.superretro16.com). And you can read my musings on technology on my blog (http://thrawn01.org)

Who Are You?  From Meat To Electrons And Back Again, by Mike Schwartz

Conventional wisdom tells us to use two-factor authentication—and it does help to improve security. But the best way to reduce user-friction is to never require a person to authenticate. This talk will provide a modern solution to reconcile these two divergent imperatives by leveraging standard profiles of OAuth2 for trust elevation. Its not just the front door that needs protection!

Mike Schwartz is the Founder of Gluu, a security software company serving companies, governments and universities around the world. Schwartz is a domain expert in application security, authentication and API access management. The Gluu Server is one of the leading implementations of OpenID Connect. Schwartz has participated in the development of standards like the User Managed Access (UMA) profile of OAuth2, a new standard for API access management. He is also Co-chair of the Open Trust Taxonomy for OAuth2 (OTTO) working group at Kantara to create new standards for multiparty federation. Before starting Gluu, Schwartz was a security integrator for many large enterprises. He also was the Founder of an ISP in the ’90s. He now resides with his family (and pigeons) in Austin, TX.

Does this make you want to speak at CloudAustin, or sponsor it?  Well please do!  Come email us at austin-cug-admin at googlegroups dot com and sign up.  And of course come attend, we meet the third Tuesday night of every month at Rackspace’s Austin facility on I-35 at 183.

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CloudAustin June Meeting – Best Practices for Scalability

The Agile Admins also organize the CloudAustin user group, and we wanted to let everyone know about our upcoming June meeting. It’s 6-8 PM on Tuesday June 16 at Rackspace. RSVP on the meetup page!

Talk: Best Practices for Scalability (Scale to more than a Billion hits/day)

In this talk Chander Dhall will share his real-world experiences in scaling web apps, and some key insights and best practices. You’ll learn how to architect and develop applications on any Web stack so that they are easy to scale. If time permits Chander will go deep into performance too.

Chander is a Microsoft MVP, ASP.NET Insider, Web API Advisor, INETA speaker and open source contributor, with years of experience in enterprise software development. He started coding when he was 6, and created his first successful software product at the age of 14. He is the dev chair of DevConnections, and he works in a goal-oriented, technologically-driven, fast-paced Agile (SCRUM) environment. He has a master’s degree in computer science with speciacialization in algorithms, principles and patterns, and is focused on building high-performing modular software. Chander leads the HTML5/Node.js group in Los Angeles and the .NET user group at UTDallas, co-organizes Angularjs meetup in Austin and has spoken at numerous conferences and code camps all over the world. http://chanderdhall.com/, Twitter @csdhall

Sponsor: Box.com

Come on out!  And if you want to speak or sponsor in the future, just email austin-cug-admin@googlegroups.com.

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Special CloudAustin SXSW Edition 3/6

There’s a special early CloudAustin user group this month on Thursday, March 6 out at Rackspace. We’re having some folks from  West Coast startup Stormpath (http://stormpath.com/), API-driven user and group management for developers come and give two talks:

Cloud Marketing 101: How to Market Your Cloud Product

You pour blood, sweat and tears into your API, open source and weekend projects – let’s make sure they get the attention they deserve! We’ll go through real-world examples of tactics developers can do to attract attention to their work. Beyond growth hacking and that first post to Hacker News, we’ll look at high-value marketing maneuvers that will drive usage, but won’t make you feel like a dirty huckster.

To Infinity and Beyond! Scaling Your Stack with Service Oriented Architecture

Abstract: Service Oriented Architecture is a proven design pattern which allows you to simplify your codebase, seamlessly scale your service, reduce engineering frustrations — and even helps lessen hosting costs. Come learn what SOA is, why it’s useful, and take a look at an in-depth technical overview of SOA, and how it can help your organization. Delight your engineers (and business people!) by building your product on top of simple, REST API services.

Sign up here! http://www.meetup.com/CloudAustin/events/161089112/

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