Tag Archives: puppet

Velocity 2012 Day One

Hello all! The Velocity cadre grows as the agile admins spread out.  I’m here with Chris, Larry, and Victor from Bazaarvoice and our new friends Kevin, Bob, and Morgan from Powerreviews which is now Bazaarvoice’s West Coast office; Peco is here with Charlie from Opnet, and James is here… with himself, from Mentor Graphics.  Our old friends from National Instruments Robert, Eric, and Matt are here too. We have quite a Groupme going!

Chris, Peco, James and I were on the same flight, all went well and we ended up at Kabul for a meaty dinner to fortify us for the many iffy breakfasts and lunches to come.  Sadly none of us got into the conference hotel so we were spread across the area.  I’m in the Quality Inn Santa Clara, which is just fine so far (alas, the breakfast is skippable, unlike that place Peco and I always used to stay).

I’m sharing my notes in mildly cleaned up fashion – sorry if it gets incoherent, but this is partially for me and partially for you.

Now it’s time for the first session!  Spoiler alert – it was really, really good and I strongly agree with large swaths of what he has to say.  In retrospect I think this was the best session of Velocity.  It combined high level guidance and tech tips with actionable guidelines. As a result I took an incredible number of notes.  Strap in!

Scaling Typekit: Infrastructure for Startups

by Paul Hammond (@ph) of Typekit, Slides are here: paulhammond.org/2012/startup-infrastructure

Typekit does Web fonts as a service; they were acquired by Adobe early this year. The characteristics of a modern startup are extreme uncertainty and limited money. So this is basically an exercise in effective debt management.

Rule #1 – Don’t run out of money.

Your burn rate is likely # of people on the team * $10k because the people cost is the hugely predominant factor.

Rule #2 – Your time is valuable, Don’t waste it.

He notes the three kinds of startups  – venture funded, bootstrapped, and big company internal.  Sadly he’s not going to talk about big company internal startups, but heck, we did that already at National Instruments so fair enough!  He does say in that case, leverage existing infrastructure unless it’s very bad, then spend effort on making it better instead of focusing on new product ideas.  “Instead of you building a tiny beautiful cloud castle in the corner that gets ignored.” Ouch! The ex-NI’ers look ruefully at each other. Then he discussed startup end states, including acquisition.  Most possible outcomes mean your startup infrastructure will go away at some point. So technical debt is OK, just like normal debt; it’s incurred for agility but like financial must be dealt with promptly.

Look for “excuses” to build the infrastructure you need (business and technical). He cites Small Batch Inc., which did a “How to start a company” conference first thing, forcing incorporation and bank accounts and liability insurance and all that, and then Wikirank, which was not “the product” but an excuse to get everyone working together and learn new tech and run a site as a throwaway before diving into a product. Typekit, in standard Lean Startup fashion, announced in a press release before there was anything to gauge interest, then a funding round, then 6 months later (of 4 people working full time) to get 1.0 out.  Launching a startup is very hard.  Do whatever you can to make it easier.

When they launched their stack was merb/datamapper/resque/mysql/redis/munin/pingdom/chef-solo/ubuntu/slicehost/dynect/edgecast/github/google apps/dropbox/campfire/skype/join.me/every project tracking tool ever.

Now about the tech stack and what worked/didn’t work.

  • Merb is a Web framework like Rails. It got effectively end of lifed and merged into Ruby 3, and to this day they’re still struggling with the transition. Lesson: You will be stuck with your technology choices for a long time.  Choose wisely.
  • Datamapper – a Ruby ORM. Not as popular as ActiveRecord but still going.  Launched on v0.9.11!  Over the long term. many bugs. A 1.0 version came out but it has unknown changes, so they haven’t ported.  The code that stores your data, you need 100% confidence in.  Upgrading to Activerecord was easier because you could do both in parallel.   Lesson: Keep up with upgrades.  Once you’re a couple behind it’s over.
  • Resque – queueing system for Ruby. They love it. Gearman is also a great choice. Lesson: You need a queue – start with one. Retrofitting makes things much harder.
  • Data: MySQL/Redis (and Elasticsearch)
    • MySQL: You have to trust your database like nothing else. You want battle tested, well understood infrastructure here. And scaling mySQL is a solved problem, just read Cal Henderson’s book.
    • Redis: Redis doesn’t do much, which is why it’s awesome.
    • Elasticsearch: Our search needs are small, and elastic search is easy to use.
    • Lessons from their data tier: Choose your technology on what it does today, not promises of the future. They take a couple half hour downtimes a year for schema upgrades. You don’t need 99.999% availability yet as a startup.  Sure, the Facebook/Yahoo/Google presentations about that are so tempting but you/re 4 guys, not them.
  • Monitoring
    • Munin – monitoring, graphing, alerting.  Now collected, nagios and custom code and they hate it.
    • Pingdom is awesome. It’s the service of last resort.
    • Pagerduty is also awesome. Makes sure you get woken up and you know who does.
    • Papertrail is hosted syslog. “It’s not splunk but it’s good enough for our needs.” “But a syslog server is easy to run.  Why use papertrail?” The tools around it are better than what they have time to build themselves.  Hosted services are usually better and cheaper than what you can do yourself.  If there’s one that does what you need, use it.  If it costs less than $70/month buy without thinking about it, because the AWS instance to run whatever open source thingy you were going to use instead costs that much.
    • #monitoringsucks shout-out!  “I don’t know anyone who’s happy with their monitoring that doesn’t have 3-4 full time engineers working on it.”  However, #monitoringsucks isn’t delivering. Every single little open source doohickey you use is something else to go wrong and something they all need to understand.  Nothing is meeting small startups’ needs.  A lot of the hosting ones too, they charge per metric or per host (or both) and that’s discouraging to a startup.  You want to be capturing and graphing as much as you can.
  • Chef – started with chef-solo and rsync; moved to Chef Hosted in 2011 and have been very happy with it.
  • Ubuntu TLS 10.04.  “I don’t thing any startup has ever failed because they picked the wrong Linux distribution.”
  • Slicehost – loved it but then Rackspace shut it down, and the migration sucked – new IPs, hours of downtime. Migrated to Rackspace and EC2. Lots of people are going to bash cloud hosting later at the conference as a waste of money. Counterpoint – “Employees are the biggest cost to a startup.”
  • Start with EC2, period, unless you’re an infra company or totally need super bare metal performance.
  • But – credentials… use IAM to manage them. We use it at BV but it ends up causing a lot of problems too (“So you want your stuff in different IAM accounts to talk to each other like with VPC?  Oh, well, not really supported…”)  Never use the root credentials.
  • Databases in the cloud.  Ephemeral or EBS? Backups? They get a high memory instance, run everything in memory, and then stop worrying about disk IO.  Sha za!  Figure it out later.
  • DynECT – Invisible and fine.
  • Edgecast – cool. CDNs are not created equal, and they have different strengths in regions etc. If you don’t want to hassle with talking to someone on the phone, screw Akamai/Limelight/etc. If you’re not haggling you’re paying too much.  But as a startup, you want click to start, credit card signup. Amazon Cloudfront, Fastly. For Typekit they needed high uptime and high performance as a critical part of the service.  Story time, they had a massive issue with Edgecast as about.me was going live. See Designing for Disaster by Jeff Veen from Velocity Europe. Systems perform in unexpected ways as they grow.  Things have unexpected scaling behavior. Know your escape plan for every infrastructure provider.  That doesn’t have to be “immediate hot backup available,” just a plan.
  • Github – using organizations.
  • Google Apps – yay.  Using Google App Engine for their status page to put it on different infrastructure. They use Stashboard, which we used at NI!

“Buy or build?”

Buy, unless nothing meets your needs.  Then build.  Or if it’s your core business and you’re eating your own dog food.
If it costs more than your annual salary, build it.

A third party provider having an outage is still YOUR problem. Still need a “sorry!” Write your update without naming your service provider.  [You should take responsibility but that seems close to not being transparent to me. -Ed.]  Anyway, buy or build option is “neither” if it’s not needed for the minimum viable product.

You’re not Facebook or Etsy with 100 engineers yet. You don’t need a highly scalable data store.  A half hour outage is OK. You don’t need multi-vendor redundancy, you need a product someone cares about.

Rule #3 – Set up the infrastructure you need.

Rule #4 – Don’t set up infrastructure you don’t need.

Almost every performance problem has been on something they didn’t yet measure.  All their scaling pain points were unexpected.  You can’t plan for everything and the stuff you do plan for may be wasted.

Brain twister: He spent a week to write code to automatically bring up a front end Tomcat server in AWS if one of theirs crashes.  That has never happened in years.  Was that work worth while, does it really meet ROI?

Rule #5 – Don’t make future work for yourself.

There’s a difference between not doing something yet and deliberately setting yourself up for redo.  People talk about “technical debt” but just as in finance, there’s judicious debt and then there’s payday loans. Optimize for change. Every time you grow 10x you’ll need to rewrite. Just make it easy to change.

“You ain’t gonna need it”

Everyone’s startup story:

  1. Find biggest problem
  2. Fix biggest problem
  3. Repeat

The story never reads like:

  1. Up front, plan and build infrastructure based on other companies
  2. Total success!

Minimum Viable Infrastructure for a Startup:

  1. Source control
  2. Configuration management
  3. Servers
  4. Backups
  5. External availability monitoring

So you really could get started with github orgs, rsync/bash, EC2, s3cmd, pingdom, then start improving from there. Well, he’s not really serious you should start that way, he wouldn’t start with rsync again.  But he’s somewhat serious, in that you should really consider the minimum (but good) solution and not get too fancy before you ship.

Watch out for

  • Black swans
  • Vendor lockin
  • Unsupported products
  • Time wasting

Woot! This was a great session, everything from straight dope on specific techs, mistakes made and lessons learned, high level guidance with tangible rules of thumb.

Question and Answer Takeaways:
If you’re going to build, build and open source it to make the ecosystem better
Monitoring – none of them have a decent dashboard. Ganglia, nagios, munin UI sucks.


Discussion with Mike Rembetsy and other Etsyans about why JIRA and Confluence are ubiquitously used but people don’t like talking about it.  His theory is that everyone has to hack them so bad that they don’t want to answer 100 questions about “how you made JIRA do that.”

Turning Operational Data Into Gold At Expedia

By Eddie Satterly, previously of Expedia and now with Splunk. This is starting off bad.  I was hoping with Expedia having top billing it was going to be more of a real use case but we’re getting stock splunk vendor pitch.

Eddie Satterly was sr. director of arch at Expedia, now with splunk.  They put 6 TB/day in splunk. Highlights:

  • They built a sdk for cassandra data stores  and archive specific splunks for long term retention to hadoop for batch analysis
  • The big data integration really ramped up the TB/day
  • They do external lookups – geo, ldap, etc.
  • Puppet deploy of the agents/SCCM and gold images
  • A lot of the tealeaf RUM/Omniture Web analytics stuff is being done in splunk now
  • Zenoss integration but moving more to splunk there too
  • Using the file integrity monitoring stuff
  • Custom jobs for unusual volumes and “new errors”

Session was high on generalities; sadly I didn’t really come away with any new insights on splunk from it. Without the sales pitch it could have been a lightning talk.

11 Ways To Hack Puppet For Fun and Productivity

by Luke Kanies. I got here late but all I missed was a puppet overview. Slides on Slideshare.


  1. Puppet as you.  It doesn’t have to run as root.
  2. Curl speaks.  You can pull catalogs etc. easily, decouple see facts/pull catalog/run catalog/run report.
  3. Data, and lots of it. Catalogs, facts, reports.
  4. Static compiler. Refer to files with checksum instead of URL. And it reduces requests for additional files.
  5. config_version. Find out who made changes in this version.
  6. report processor.
  7. Function
  8. Fact
  9. Types
  10. Providers
  11. Face

Someone’s working on a puppet IDE called geppetto (eclipse based).

I don’t know much puppet yet, so most of this went right by me.

Develop and Test Configuration Management Scripts With Vagrant

By Mitchell Hashimoto from Kiip (@mitchellh). Slides on Speakerdeck.

Sure, you can bring up an ec2 instance and run chef and whatnot, but that gets repetitive. This tempts you to not do incremental systems development, because it takes time and work. So you just “set things up once” and start gathering cruft.

Maybe you have a magic setup script that gets your Macbook all up and running your new killer app. But it’s unlikely, and then it’s not like production.  Requires maintenance, what about small changes… Bah. Or perhaps an uber-readme (read: Confluence wiki page). Naturally prone to intense user error. So, use Vagrant!

We’ll walk through the CLI, VM creation, provisioning, scripted config of vm, network, fs, and setup

Install Virtualbox and Vagrant – All that’s needed are vagrantfile and vagrant CLI
vagrantfile: Per project configuration, ruby DSL
CLI: vagrant <something> e.g “vagrant up”

vagrant box – set up base boxes.  It’s just a single file. “vagrant box add name url”.
Go to vagrantbox.es for more base boxes. They’re big (It’s a vm…)

Project context. “vagrant init <boxtype>” will dump you a file.

“vagrant up” makes a private copy, doesn’t corrupt base box

vagrant up, status, reload, suspend (freeze), halt (shutdown), destroy (delete)

Provides shared folders, NFS to share files host to guest
Shared folder performance degrades with # of files, go to NFS

Provisioning – scripted instal packages, etc.  It supports shell/puppet/chef and soon cfengine.
Use the same scripts as production. vagrant up does utp, but vagrant reload or provision does it in isolation

Networking – port forwarding, host-onlu

port forwarding exposes hosts on the guest via ports on the host, even to the outside.
Simple, over 1024 and open
host only makes a private net of VMs and your host. set IPs or even DHCP it. Beware of IP collisions.
bridge – get IPs from a real router. makes them real boxes, though bad networks won’t do it.

multi vm.  Configure multiple VMs in one file and hook ’em up.  In multi mode you can specify a target on each command to not have it do on all

vagrant package “burns a new AMI” off the current system.
package up installed software, use provisioners for config and managing services

Great for developing and testing chef/puppet/etc scripts. Use prod-quality ops scripts to set up dev env’s, QA. It brings you a nice standard workflow.


  • other virtualization, vmware, ec2, kvm
  • vagrant builder: ami creator
  • any guest OS

End, Day One!

And we’re done with “Tutorial” day!  The distinction between tutorials and other conference sessions is very weak and O’Reilly would do better to just do a three day conference and right-size people’s presentations – some, like the Typekit one, deserve to be this long.  Others should be a normal conference session and some should be a lightning talk.

Then we went to the Ignites and James and I did Ignite slide karaoke where you have to talk to random slides.  Check out the deck, I got slides 43-47 which were a bit of a tough row to hoe. I got to use my signature phrase “keep your pimp hand strong” however.

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Filed under Conferences, DevOps

Puppet and Chef do only half the job

Our first guest post on theagileadmin is by Schlomo Schapiro, Systems Architect and Open Source Evangelist at ImmobilienScout24. I met Schlomo and his colleagues at DevOpsDays and they piqued my interest with their YADT deployment tool they’ve open sourced.  Welcome, Schlomo!

“How do you update your system with OS patches” was one of my favourite questions last week at the Velocity Web Performance and Operations Conference in Santa Clara and at the devopsdays in Mountain View. I tried to ask as many people as would be ready to talk to me about their deployment solutions, most of whom where using one of puppet or chef.

The answers I got ranged from “we build a new image” through “somebody else is doing that” to “I don’t know”. So apparently many people see the OS stack different from their software stack. Personally, I find this very worrying because I strongly believe that one must see the entire stack (OS, software & configuration) as one and also validate it as one.

We see again and again that there is a strong influence from the OS level into the application level. Probably everybody already had to suffer from NFS and autofs and had seen their share of blocked servers. Or maybe how a changed behaviour in threading suddenly makes a server behave completely different under load. While some things like the recent leap second issue are really hard to test, most OS/application interactions can be tested quite well.

For such tests to be really trustworthy the version must be the same between test and production. Unfortunately even a very small difference in versions can be devastating. A specific example we recently suffered from is autofs in RHEL5 and RHEL6 which would die on restart up to the most recent patch. It took us awhile to find out that the autofs in testing was indeed just this little bit newer than in production to actually matter.

If you are using images and not adding any OS patches between image updates, then you are probably on the safe side. If you add patches on top of the image, then you also run a chance that your versions will deviate.

So back to the initial question: If you are using chef, puppet or any other similar tool: How do you manage OS patches? How do you make sure that OS patches and upgrades are tested exactly the same as you test changes in your application and configuration? How do you make sure that you stage them the same? Or use the same rollout process?

For us at ImmobilienScout24 the answer is simple: We treat all changes to our servers exactly the same way without discrimination. The basis for that is that we package all software and configuration into RPM packages and roll them out via YUM channels. In that context it is of course easy to do the same with OS patches and upgrades, they just come from different YUM channels. But the actual change process is exactly the same: Put systems with outstanding RPM updates into maintenance mode, do yum upgrade, start services, run some tests, put systems back into production.

I am not saying that everybody should work that way. For us it works well and we think that it is a very simple way how to deal with the configuration management and deployment issue. What I would ask everybody is to ask yourself how you plan to treat all changes in a server the same way so that the same tests and validation can be applied. I believe that using the same tool to manage all changes makes it much simpler to treat all changes equal than using different tools for different layers of the stack. And if only because a single tool makes it much easier to correlate such changes. Maybe it should be explored more how to use puppet and chef to do the entire job and manage the “lower” layers of the system stack as well as the upper layers.

Are you “doing DevOps”? Then maybe you can look at it like this: If you manage all the stuff on a server the same way it will help you to get everybody onto the same page with regard to OS patches. No more “surprise updates” that catch the developers cold because they are part of all the updates.

Hopefully at the next Velocity somebody will give a talk about how to simplify operations by treating all changes equal.


Filed under Conferences, DevOps

DevOps: It’s Not Chef And Puppet

There’s a discussion on the devops Google group about how people are increasingly defining DevOps as “chef and/or puppet users” and that all DevOps is, is using one of these tools.  This is both incorrect and ignorant.

Chef and puppet are individual tools that you can use to implement specific parts of an overall DevOps strategy if you want to use them – but that’s it.  They are fine tools, but do not “solve DevOps” for you, nor are they even the only correct thing to do within their provisioning niche. (One recent poster got raked over the coals for insisting that he wanted to do things a different way than use these tools…)

This confusion isn’t unexpected, people often don’t want to think too deeply about  a new idea and just want the silver bullet. Let’s take a relevant analogy.

Agile.  I see a lot of people implement Scrum blindly with no real understanding of anything in the Agile Manifesto, and then religiously defend every one of Scrum’s default implementation details regardless of its suitability to their environment.  Although that’s better than those that even half ass it more and just say “we’ve gone to our devs coding in sprints now, we must be agile, woot!” Of course they didn’t set up any of the guard rails, and use it as an exclude to eliminate architecture, design, and project planning, and are confused when colossal failure results.

DevOps.  “You must use chef or puppet, that is DevOps, now let’s spend the rest of our time fighting over which is better!” That’s really equivalent to the lowest level of sophistication there in Agile.  It’s human nature, there are people that can’t/don’t want to engage in higher order thought about problems, they want to grab and go.  I kinda wish we could come up with a little bit more of a playbook, like Scrum is for Agile, where at least someone who doesn’t like to think will have a little more guidance about what a bundle of best practices *might* look like, at least it gives hints about what to do outside the world of yum repos.  Maybe Gene Kim/John Willis/etc’s new DevOps Cookbook coming out soon(?) will help with that.

My own personal stab at “What is DevOps” tries to divide up principles, methods, and practices and uses agile as the analogy to show how you have to treat it.  Understand the principles, establish a method, choose practices.  If you start by grabbing a single practice, it might make something better – but it also might make something worse.

Back at NI, the UNIX group established cfengine management of our Web boxes. But they didn’t want us, the Web Ops group, to use it, on the grounds that it would be work and a hassle. But then if we installed software that needed, say, an init script (or really anything outside of /opt) they would freak out because their lovely configurations were out of sync and yell at us. Our response was of course “these servers are here to, you know, run software, not just happily hum along in silence.” Automation tools can make things much worse, not just better.

At this week’s Agile Austin DevOps SIG, we had ~30 folks doing openspaces, and I saw some of this.  “I have this problem.”  “You can do that in chef or puppet!” “Really?”  “Well… I mean, you could implement it yourself… Kinda using data bags or something…” “So when you say I can implement it in chef, you’re saying that in the same sense as ‘I could implement it in Java?'”  “Uh… yeah.” “Thanks kid, you’ve been a big help.”

If someone has a systems problem, and you say that the answer to that problem is “chef” or “puppet,” you understand neither the problem nor the tools. It’s “when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail – and beyond that, every part of a construction job should be solved by nailing shit together.”

We also do need to circle back up and do a better job of defining DevOps.  We backed off that early on, and as a result we have people as notable as Adrian Cockroft saying “What’s DevOps?  I see a bunch of conflicting blog posts, whatever, I’ll coin my own *Ops term.” That’s on us for not getting our act together. I have yet to see a good concise DevOps definition that is unique if you remove the word DevOps and insert something else (“DevOps helps you bring value to software!  DevOps is about delivering a service to a customer!” s/DevOps/100 other things/).

At DevOpsDays, some folks contended that some folks “get” DevOps and others don’t and we should leave them to their shame and just do our work. But I feel like we have some responsibility to the industry in general, so it’s not just “the elite people doing the elite things.” But everyone agreed the tool focus is getting too much – John Willis even proposed a moratorium on chef/puppet/tooling talks at DevOpsDays Mountain View because people are deviating from the real point of DevOps in favor of the knickknacks too much.


Filed under DevOps

GeekAustin DevOps #1 – Puppet, Chef, bcfg2, but no Dev

All three Agile Admins were at this Austin event last Saturday; GeekAustin had a set of back to back presentations on puppet, chef, and bcfg2 downtown at Elysium. A good crowd was there, maybe 50 people.

Matt Ray presented on chef, and has posted his slides. Jeff McCune spoke on Puppet and Sol Jerome spoke on bcfg2, I’ll link their slides here whenever I become aware of them being posted.

I had to leave before bcfg2, but the chef and puppet presentations were interesting.  One of the main audience comments was “these are pretty similar,” which is true. Both are real good.

Probably the one problem with the event was that it wasn’t really DevOps.  It was just tool presentations for sysadmins.  Our developers took one look and didn’t come; we met one or two developers at the event that weren’t getting a lot out of it.

It’s fine to have an event looking at these tools – but I want to caution the DevOps community that the value of DevOps is the different approach to life. I think the excellent dev2ops post on “DevOps is not a technology problem, DevOps is a business problem” explains this perfectly. PEOPLE over PROCESS over TOOLS. If you don’t have engagement from the developers, you don’t have DevOps, no matter what whizbang gadgets you have.  Frankly I’d like to see the tool vendors address this in their presentations. A little bit of “you’re a sysadmin, this saves you work, isn’t it cool” is fine but how about talking about how this can be used to collaborate with the developers?  How does that model work?

At DevOpsDays US I warned about adopting new tools without adopting new tactics, using the example of the deployment of the Minie ball to muskets used in the American Civil War.  Greater accuracy and range, but everyone still just stood their in lines and charged in formation, and the slaughter was profound.  You may have a shiny new weapon, but if you are just using it back in your dark sysadmin cave, the problems that beset you will never go away. You’ll still be the bottom of the food chain, only taken seriously when someone can’t get their email.

I know the guys at Puppet Labs, Opscode, etc. are all big into DevOps – but I guess I’d like to see the tool presentations and value props speak to developers as well somehow. What would that look like?  Ideas?


Filed under DevOps

OpsCamp Debrief

I went to OpsCamp this last weekend here in Austin, a get-together for Web operations folks specifically focusing on the cloud, and it was a great time!  Here’s my after action report.

The event invite said it was in the Spider House, a cool local coffee bar/normal bar.  I hadn’t been there before, but other people that had said “That’s insane!  They’ll never fit that many people!  There’s outside seating but it’s freezing out!”  That gave me some degree of trepidation, but I still racked out in time to get downtown by 8 AM on a Saturday (sigh!).  Happily, it turned out that the event was really in the adjacent music/whatnot venue also owned by Spider House, the United States Art Authority, which they kindly allowed us to use for free!  There were a lot of people there; we weren’t overfilling the place but it was definitely at capacity, there were near 100 people in attendance.

I had just heard of OpsCamp through word of mouth, and figured it was just going to be a gathering of local Austin Web ops types.  Which would be entertaining enough, certainly.  But as I looked around the room I started recognizing a lot of guys from Velocity and other major shows; CEOs and other high ranked guys from various Web ops related tool companies.  Sponsors included John Willis and Adam Jacob (creator of Chef) from Opscode , Luke Kanies from Reductive Labs (creator of Puppet), Damon Edwards and Alex Honor from DTO Solutions (formerly ControlTier), Mark Hinkle and Matt Ray from Zenoss, Dave Nielsen (CloudCamp), Michael Coté (Redmonk), Bitnami, Spiceworks, and Rackspace Cloud.  Other than that, there were a lot of random Austinites and some guys from big local outfits (Dell, IBM).

You can read all the tweets about the event if you swing that way.

OpsCamp kinda grew out of an earlier thing, BarCampESM, also in Austin two years ago.  I never heard about that, wish I had.

How It Went

I had never been to an “unconference” before.  Basically there’s no set agenda, it’s self-emergent.  It worked pretty well.  I’ll describe the process a bit for other noobs.

First, there was a round of lightning talks.  Brett from Rackspace noted that “size matters,” Bill from Zenoss said “monitoring is important,” and Luke from Reductive claimed that “in 2-4 years ‘cloud’ won’t be a big deal, it’ll just be how people are doing things – unless you’re a jackass.”

Then it was time for sessions.  People got up and wrote a proposed session name on a piece of paper and then went in front of the group and pitched it, a hand-count of “how many people find this interesting” was taken.

Candidates included:

  • service level to resolution
  • physical access to your cloud assets
  • autodiscovery of systems
  • decompose monitoring into tool chain
  • tool chain for automatic provisioning
  • monitoring from the cloud
  • monitoring in the cloud – widely dispersed components
  • agent based monitoring evolution
  • devops is the debil – change to the role of sysadmins
  • And more

We decided that so many of these touched on two major topics that we should do group discussions on them before going to sessions.  They were:

  • monitoring in the cloud
  • config mgmt in the cloud

This seemed like a good idea; these are indeed the two major areas of concern when trying to move to the cloud.

Sadly, the whole-group discussions, especially the monitoring one, were unfruitful.  For a long ass time people threw out brilliant quips about “Why would you bother monitoring a server anyway” and other such high-theory wonkery.  I got zero value out of these, which was sad because the topics were crucially interesting – just too unfocused; you had people coming at the problem 100 different ways in sound bytes.  The only note I bothered to write down was that “monitoring porn” (too many metrics) makes it hard to do correlation.  We had that problem here, and invested in a (horrors) non open-source tool, Opnet Panorama, that has an advanced analytics and correlation engine that can make some sense of tens of thousands of metrics for exactly that reason.


There were three sessions.  I didn’t take many notes in the first one because, being a Web ops guy, I was having to work a release simultaneously with attending OpsCamp 😛

Continue reading


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Velocity 2009 – Introduction to Managed Infrastructure with Puppet

Introduction to Managed Infrastructure with Puppet
by Luke Kanies, Reductive Labs

You can get the work files from git://github.com/reductivelabs/velocity_puppet_workshop_2009.git, and the presentation’s available here.

I saw Luke’s Puppet talk last year at Velocity 2008, but am more ready to start uptaking some conf management back home.  Our UNIX admins use cfengine, and puppet is supposed to be a better-newer cfengine.  Now there’s also an (allegedly) better-newer one called chef I read about lately.  So this should be interesting in helping to orient me to the space.  At lunch, we sat with Luke and found out that Reductive just got their second round funding and were quite happy, though got nervous and prickly when there was too much discussion of whether they were all buying Teslas now.  Congrats Reductive!

Now, to work along, you git the bundle and use it with puppet.  Luke assumes we all have laptops, all have git installed on our laptops, and know how to sync his bundle of goodness down.  And have puppet or can quickly install it.  Bah.  I reckon I’ll just follow along.

You can get puppet support via IRC, or the puppet-users google group.

First we exercise “ralsh”, the resource abstraction layer shell, which can interact with resources like packages, hosts, and users.  Check em, add em, modify em.

You define abstraction packages.  Like “ssh means ssh on debian, openssh on solaris…”  It requires less redundancy of config than cfengine.

“puppet”  consists of several executables – puppet, ralsh, puppetd, puppetmasterd, and puppetca.

As an aside, cft is a neat config file snapshot thing in red hat.

Anyway, you should use puppet not ralsh directly.  Anyway the syntax is similar.  Here’s an example invocation:

puppet -e 'file { "/tmp/eh": ensure => present }'

There’s a file backup, or “bucket”, functionality when you change/delete files.

You make a repository and can either distribute it or run it all from a server.

There is reporting.

There’s a gepetto addon that helps you build a central repo.

A repo has (or should have) modules, which are basically functional groupings.  Modules have “code.”  The code can be a class definition.  init.pp is the top/special one.   There’s a modulepath setting for puppet.  Load the file, include the class, it runs all the stuff in the class.

It has “nodes” but he scoffs at them.  Put them in manifests/site.pp.  default, or hostname specific (can inherit default).   But you should use a different application, not puppet, to do this.

You have to be able to completely and correctly describe a task for puppet to do it.  This is a feature not a bug.

Puppet uses a client-server pull architecure.  You start a puppetmasterd on a server.  Use the SSH defaults because that’s complicated and will hose you eventually.  Then start a puppetd on a client and it’ll pull changes from the server.

This is disjointed.  Sorry about that.  The session is really just reading the slide equivalent of man pages while flipping back and forth to a command prompt to run basic examples.  I don’t feel like this session gave enough of an intro to puppet, it was just “launch into the man pages and then run individual commands, many of which he tells you to never do.”  I don’t feel like I’m a lot more informed on puppet than when I started, which makes me sad.  I’m not sure what the target audience for this is.  If it’s people totally new to puppet, like me, it starts in the weeds too much.  If it’s for someone who has used puppet, it didn’t seem to have many pro tips or design considerations, it was basic command execution.  Anyway, he ran out of time and flipped through the last ten slides in as many seconds.  I’m out!

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